Husky is beautiful and independent, strong and smart dog. Despite their relatively mild personality and their love of behavior, it is difficult to train. Because the Huskies are social animals, they will challenge your leadership and test your bottom line. They are quite destructive if not properly trained. In order to avoid raising a Husky to be a bad experience, in order to train them better, you must understand their habits.


1.Build your leader position. As we all know, huskies are difficult to train. They are a group of dogs with leadership order, so they are stubborn and independent. Husky's natural behavioral characteristics can be destructive if not properly guided. So in order to make the Huskies a dog, you must correct its bad behavior as soon as possible.

You must master the habits of the Huskies. In order for the Huskies to obey orders, you must be confident as a master and have a strong will. The Huskies only obey the command of the "leader."

Do not treat the Husky equally. Husky is a very strict dog, they only obey the leader. You have to eat earlier than it, advanced door, let it give way to you, you must be in the position of leader. It is especially important to establish this hierarchical relationship.

Sometimes the Huskies become aggressive and attempt to establish leadership through biting or other violent acts. In order to curb this behavior, you must emphasize your "leadership" status. Laissez-faire will only make them more aggressive against people and other animals.

The Huskies sometimes make some very self-willed actions, which may seem normal to them. It is caused by nature, but it seems to be a disaster for human beings, such as jumping, scrambling, biting, chaos, like Demolition team. The position of the leader allows you to hold it and let it obey.

2. If it performs well, give it a reward. To become a dog, you must develop good habits. In order for the Huskies to continue to perform well, reward the delicious food after it obeys the order, and encourages it. This is called “positive reinforcement” or “encourage training method”.

Make sure to give rewards in a timely manner so that the Huskies will understand what is good. If the reward is not timely, the Huskies will be confused. Once the Huskies have mastered an order, there is no need to reward it.

Turn bad behavior into good behavior. When the dog is naughty, it should be guided in time. Make clear what behavior is good and what behavior is bad.Food temptation and reward mechanisms are much more effective than using violence, and huskies do not become aggressive or nervous because of fear.

 If you use violence against the Huskies, how can it not get rewards, it basically loses its educational significance.Conduct simple training and set goals. Husky has the same learning curve as other animals.

You should start with the simplest commands and then gradually upgrade to more complex commands. Reward it every time it completes an instruction correctly.

3. Do not use violence to train the huskies. The reward is rewarded when the reward is given. If the Huskies do something wrong, you must take timely steps to punish it and correct its bad behavior. Be careful not to go to extremes, and corporal punishment of the Huskies will make it less willing to obey your orders. The correct punishment is not to give it a toy, don't play with it, and hide the love for it until they can make the right move again.

Serious discipline. Express your firm position with words like "no" or "stop", but don't express your birth in your voice.
Make sure you maintain your dominance through rigorous training and serious commands.

You must obey the commands that have been issued. If the Huskies refuse to obey, please stay away from it, ignore it, and don't give it something it likes. Reissue the order after a few minutes, with perseverance and patience until it obeys you.

If after many attempts, the Huskies are still very stubborn and refuse to obey the order, then put him in the "small black house" and wait until it is safe.

4.Create a practical vocabulary with the Huskies. This is the basis for mutual understanding and good relationship with the Huskies. Rich words can make the Huskies smart and correct. The most important thing is to let it know what it should do.

When trying to communicate with Husky, it is best to use simple words or phrases such as "good", "no", "sit", "do not move", "come".Familiar words or phrases can build trust relationships. Let it know the owner's expectations and make a correct response to enable the Husky to build confidence.

A rich vocabulary enhances the savvy's cognitive abilities, and ultimately, it can combine fragmented words or phrases to accomplish complex tasks.

5.It is necessary to train strictly on time. Although the Huskies are known for their cleverness, good performance is inseparable from perseverance. The best way is to set up a regular set of training. Regular training is good for both dogs and owners. Regular training, play, entertainment and exercise time can increase your time and set the most appropriate expectations.

It is best to stick to regular training every day. Of course, this is not an easy task. Be aware that sudden changes can confuse your dog and make it easier to violate the rules formed during training.

Prepare food, toys, collars, leashes, and cleaning materials at all times. If you use them, you should purchase them in time to ensure that regular training is not interrupted by the shortage of these things.

Always stay calm and make some rules. You must let the huskies realize who is the leader and realize that the order must be obeyed, not a joke. Give rewards and punishments to give it enough love.

6.Formulate rules and stick to them. Although the Huskies are known for their cleverness, good behaviors are inseparable from perseverance. Therefore, it is very important to make some rules and stick to them, and you should tell these rules to other family members. If an instruction confuses the huskies, it is likely that it will not be executed.

Make clear which rooms it can enter, which furniture it can go up to play and rest, and where it should sleep.There will always be a whole family going out, leaving the Husky at home. It is recommended to isolate it in a specific space to prevent the furniture from being over-excited or boring by the husky.

 You can keep it in the kitchen, such a place is not easy to be destroyed, it is more convenient to clean up, there are many things, it will not make it feel too lonely.

7. In addition to playing time, you have to exercise at least thirty minutes a day to consume its extra energy. It is important to know that the Huskies have served as humans as sled dogs for thousands of years, and their endurance can be imagined. Lack of exercise will not only make the Huskies fat and lazy, but even make some naughty behaviors like an escape, mourning, chaos, and chaos. 

"Hiking the dog" is not enough for the Huskies. They can run for several kilometers a day, so they need a lot of exercises. At the very least, you have to run every day, or at least go fast, to consume the energy of the Huskies. Huskies prefer barking instead of an ordinary dog ​​barking.

 Excessive barking can disturb neighbors, causing complaints. Exercise can release its accumulated energy and reduce the number of squeaks. Husky has the reputation of “Escape Master”.

 They have a basket of ways to escape the yard, which makes you stunned. Usually, they only attempt to "escape" when they are under-trained or bored.

Other outdoor activities like pulling a bicycle, hiking or catching a flying disc or flying ball can make the Huskies feel tired. These activities can replace running, adding diversity and fun.

Method 2

1. Let the Huskies get used to staying in the pet box. Pet boxes should not be used as a tool for punishment, like being in a cage, a black house or quarantine. Instead, open the door to make the Husky feel comfortable. When the Huskies enter the pet box or are close to the pet box, gently praise it so that it is not afraid. Don't force the Huskies into the pet box.

If the Huskies refuse to enter the pet box, you can seduce it by putting delicious food in it. Let it find the food by itself. Practice a few times a day. Vocabulary associations are also important.

 When the Huskies enter the pet box, use the same vocabulary to make it relevant. When it comes to your cage after listening to your instructions, give it a reward in time.

Especially on the first day, practice a few more times so that the Huskies can understand. It doesn't feel fear when it's close to the pet box.

2. Close the door of the pet box. Put the food that Husky likes into the pet box and close the door when it enters the pet box. To alleviate anxiety, put a new toy inside and turn its attention away. Stay with it for a while until it no longer mourns. Wait until it can be quiet for more than half a minute before it can be released.

 If it is less than half a minute, the Huskies will stop, how can you comfortably do nothing, then squat your heart, don't let it out.If the food and previous toys can't stop the Huskies from mourning, change a new toy. Be sure to prepare a spare toy to transfer the attention of the Huskies.

It is also a good strategy to exercise or play with the Huskies and consume their energy. When they are sleepy, they can be put into the pet box. If the Huskies are asleep in the pet box, let them sleep in it all night.In the morning, don't praise the Husky because he is quietly in the pet box. 

This gives them the illusion that staying outside is better than staying in a pet box. Instead, don't deliberately praise the Huskies for a while. This will prevent them from misunderstanding.

3. If the Huskies are afraid of loneliness, you can put the pet box in the bedroom. Husky is a group of animals, like to be close to their owners, which will make them feel at ease and feel that they have not been abandoned. Speak to it, or put your hand into the pet box to appease, lest it be afraid. Unless they want to go to the toilet, wait for more than 4 hours before opening the door

You have to appease it. If the Huskies dirty the pet box, don't criticize it.
Put the pet box in the bedroom for a few nights until the Huskies are familiar with the pet box. Once the Huskies no longer mourn or bite the pet box, you can put it elsewhere in the house.

4. Go out alone. Don't take this as a very special thing, but to appease the Huskies. When you are away from home, it is best not to attract the attention of the Husky, so that it will not be anxious.

Keep practicing until you go out and become a normal thing. Pretending to leave, gradually extending the time to two hours. Remember, if you have a little husky, they must have a bowel movement every four hours.

 Therefore, during the training period, you must arrange to go home within four hours or let the neighbors help to release the small huskies. When the Huskies feel lonely, they usually scream. You need to say hello to your neighbors and ask them for understanding.

The Husky is the "Escape Master." When you go out, collect all the toys, collars, and ropes that have safety hazards to prevent the Huskies from injuring themselves.


1. Let the Husky and the children respect each other and live in harmony. Husky is generally very friendly to children. But also teach it to regulate its own behavior, not to jump, chase, and chase or go crazy. Tell the child not to treat the dog rudely, not to catch the dog, not to pull the dog's hair, tail and ears. Children should be involved in training dogs under the guidance of adults.

In this way, they can become familiar with each other and cultivate a tacit understanding with the Huskies.Teach children to gently touch the Huskies, build friendships, not pull hair, punch and kick.

2. Identify potential hazards. For huskies that are not raised from an early age, it is important to investigate the background. Find out if it has an experience with children. Look closely at the reaction of the Husky with the child and see if it is irritating, nervous, and screaming.

Huskies will instinctively chase small animals, sometimes even chasing children. They regard small animals such as cats as prey. Sometimes, it mistakenly thinks that a child or baby is also prey and makes some improper behavior.

If it is a dog that has not been adopted for a long time, and there are children in the family, please hold it to prevent it from accidentally injuring the child.

3. Teach children to understand the body language of the dog. It is difficult for children to understand the body language of the Huskies. If you don't teach them, it's hard to identify which body language represents the Husky's desire to attack. Usually, an irritated dog will call, squat, reveal teeth and stare at the target.

 At this time, the child should not approach the dog any more but should stop immediately, legs close together, put both hands on the sides of the body, look elsewhere, avoid eye contact. If the dog still attacks, immediately fall to the ground, curl up, cover his face with his arms, and cover his ears with his fists. Quietly waiting for an escape.

4. Let the Huskies prepare for the newborn. Training begins a few weeks before the baby is born or even a few months before. Do some obedience training, such as letting it sit, "do not move", "lie", "come over." 

The sooner you start training, the better, until the Huskies can complete these orders 100%.It is necessary to simulate the situation, smell, and sound at home dolls. If the Huskies don't obey the command 100%, don't be lucky. It feels pretty good. It is best to find a professional dog trainer.

When taking the baby home, the child's mother should first contact the Huskies alone to prevent the dog from screaming, screaming or making other misconduct after smelling an unfamiliar smell. Give the Huskies a little time to calm it down. Let the huskies smell the new taste on the mother's clothes. Once the Huskies calm down, they can let it meet the newborn.

You will definitely give more love to the newborn. However, try not to ignore them Husky, which will make it jealous. Moreover, a few weeks before the baby is born, it is consciously and gradually reduced its attention.

Babies and children look different in the Huskies. Huskies usually classify children as "humans," but not necessarily for newborns. When the Huskies are with the children, watch for their behavior and reactions.
You need to prepare


Don't train the Huskies for a long time. You should train them several times. This helps prevent it from distracting and then naughty. Huskies are not suitable for housekeeping. When you see familiar people, they will be very excited and may call out to get your attention. And strangers do not belong to this group, they will appear very cold to strangers, and they will not care.

Every Huskies are good at running away. Unless you are very cautious, build a few meters high walls around the house, otherwise, all the little tricks can't stop the Huskies from rushing to freedom. Please make your own brain to make up for the scene after you have successfully escaped and laughed.


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